Speaking Engagements

Finacity facilitates daily funding and reporting at an annual run rate of over $100 billion in receivables with obligors in more than 175 countries

Introducing the Alternatives

Nov, 2017 by Darren Davies

SPEAKER: Charles Nahum


SME’s in Export Finance 2017

As banks have responded to Basel III and other regulatory pressures, lending criteria has become more stringent while the market for alternative financing sources has continued to grow and evolve. Consideration will be given to the various types of alternative finance solutions available, the technological innovations that continue to facilitate the rise in alternative finance, key comparisons to the traditional forms financing and the key differences of the various products that are available to SME borrowers.

Visit the conference website at: https://www.txfnews.com/Events/Event/83/TXF-SMEs-in-Export-Finance-2017